Contact Us
The Islamic Texts Society
Miller’s House
Kings Mill Lane
Great Shelford
Cambridge CB22 5EN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 842425
Email: mail@its.org.uk
Alternatively, we can be contacted via the contact form below.
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Inspection Copies
Inspection copies are available for a 60 day period to lecturers considering adopting one or more titles for a course of 10 or more students. If the title(s) is adopted, the copy may be kept free of charge. Otherwise full payment will be required or the copy may be returned if it is in a pristine condition. To request inspection copies, please list the title(s) you require on letterheaded paper from the institution at which you teach and the number of students on each course. Inspection copies are sent out at our discretion.
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Book Proposals
The Islamic Texts Society welcomes the submission of book proposals along the lines of its present publications. Anyone interested in submitting a proposal should fill in the form below. Please do not send manuscripts by post or by email attachment, except at the specific request of the Society. We do not return manuscripts. While we endeavour to respond to all submissions within a reasonable time period, due to the number of submission we may not be able to respond to every proposal.
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