This is a revised and updated edition of this seminal work on the responses of Islam to the modern world. Starting with the present-day condition of man in the modern world and the dilemma of the present-day Muslim, Seyyed Hossein Nasr discusses the interchange that has continued between Islam and the West over the centuries. The author then proceeds to examine the profound struggle in the Muslim world between the Islamic tradition and Western ideologies and culture concentrating on the present situations in the Arab world, in Iran, in India and in Pakistan.
In addition to a new preface, this revised edition of Islam and the Plight of Modern Man includes two new chapters: ‘Islam at the Dawn of the Third Christian Millennium’, and ‘Reflections on Islam and the West: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr was born in Teheran to a family of traditional scholars and physicians. After receiving his early education in Iran, he went to America where he studied physics and the history of science and philosophy at M.I.T. and Harvard, where he received his doctorate. Nasr was Professor at Teheran University and founder and first President of the Iranian Academy of Philosophy. He is currently Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University and author of numerous books including: Ideals and Realities of Islam, A Young Muslim’s Guide to the Modern World and Science & Civilization in Islam, all published by the Islamic Texts Society.
‘This book can be recommended for its panoramic and balanced view of dar al-islam.’
Muslim World Book Review.
‘This book can be mined for answers to questions such as how to build an education which is both modern and Islamic, and how to revive Islamic intellectual traditions.’
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